
Five Things to Know About Collection Agencies in Canada

William Toussaint
July 5, 2024
a collection of envelopes, a telephone, and a map of Canada, symbolizing communication and the location of collection agencies, hand-drawn abstract illustration for a company blog, white background, professional, minimalist, clean lines, faded colors

Canada is no stranger to collection agencies, and many Canadians have encountered the experience of dealing with these organisations. In this article, we will address some frequently asked questions about collection agencies, providing insight into understanding their frequency of calls, protecting yourself from harassment, unravelling the reasons behind their calls, balancing work and communication, and the impact on your credit score. So, let’s dive in and explore these important topics.

1. Understanding the Frequency of Collection Agency Calls

What to Know About the Frequency of Collection Agency Calls

Collection agencies can be persistent in their attempts to contact debtors. Understanding why these calls occur frequently is crucial to managing your financial situation effectively. Factors that contribute to the frequency of collection agency calls include the nature and amount of the debt, the collection agency’s policies, and the debtor’s payment history.

When it comes to the nature of the debt, certain types may result in more frequent collection agency calls. For instance, if you owe a substantial amount of money, the collection agency may be more motivated to contact you frequently in order to recover the debt as quickly as possible. Additionally, debts that are considered high-risk, such as those with a history of missed payments or defaults, may also prompt collection agencies to increase their contact frequency.

Another factor that affects the frequency of collection agency calls is the policies and strategies employed by the agency itself. Some collection agencies have a more aggressive approach, utilising automated dialling systems that can make multiple calls in a short period of time. These agencies may also have a larger team of collectors, allowing them to reach out to debtors more frequently. On the other hand, some agencies may have a more lenient approach, opting for fewer calls in an effort to maintain a positive relationship with debtors.

Setting Boundaries with Collection Agencies: How Often is Too Often?

While collection agencies have the right to contact debtors, they must respect specific boundaries outlined in provincial consumer protection laws. In Alberta, for example, collection agencies are limited to calling debtors between 7am and 10pm on weekdays and between 1pm and 5pm on Sundays. They are not permitted to contact debtors on statutory holidays. If you believe a collection agency is crossing these boundaries, you have the right to take action and protect yourself from harassment.

It is important to note that what may be considered “too often” can vary depending on the individual’s circumstances. While some debtors may find occasional calls from collection agencies manageable, others may feel overwhelmed by frequent contact. If you feel that the frequency of collection agency calls is becoming excessive and interfering with your daily life, it is essential to take steps to address the situation.

One way to manage the frequency of collection agency calls is to communicate with the agency directly. By discussing your financial situation and proposing a feasible payment plan, you may be able to reach an agreement that satisfies both parties. This can help reduce the need for frequent calls as you work towards resolving the debt.

2. Protecting Yourself from Harassment by Collection Agencies

Your Rights: Preventing Harassment from Collection Agencies

As a Canadian debtor, you have rights protected by federal and provincial laws that safeguard you from harassment by collection agencies. These rights include the right to be treated respectfully, the right to request written communications instead of phone calls, and the right to dispute the debt and request validation. If you feel harassed or threatened, it is essential to document the interactions and report the agency’s behaviour to the appropriate authorities.

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Recognizing and Addressing Harassment Tactics by Collection Agencies

Collection agencies may employ certain tactics to pressure debtors into paying. These tactics can include incessant phone calls, aggressive language, threats of legal action, or contacting friends and family members about the debt. It is crucial to recognize these tactics and know your rights. If you believe a collection agency is using unfair or unethical methods to collect a debt, you can take steps to address the situation and protect yourself.

3. Unravelling the Reasons Behind Collection Agency Calls

Common Reasons for Collection Agency Calls Explained

In Alberta, collection agencies are often engaged by creditors when attempts to collect a debt have been unsuccessful. Reasons for collection agency involvement can range from overdue credit card payments, outstanding medical bills, unpaid loans, or even unpaid parking tickets. Understanding the specific reason behind the collection agency’s call can help you better navigate the situation and explore possible resolutions.

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Identifying the Factors that Trigger Collection Agency Calls

Several factors can lead to collection agency calls becoming a reality. Job loss, unexpected medical expenses, divorce, or even a simple oversight can all contribute to debts accumulating and eventually being passed to collection agencies. By identifying the factors that triggered the collection agency’s involvement, debtors can gain insight into their financial circumstances and take steps towards resolving their debts.

4. Balancing Work and Collection Agency Communication

Collection Agency Etiquette: Guidelines for Contacting Debtors at Work

Communication from collection agencies can be particularly challenging when it happens during working hours. It is essential for debtors to understand that collection agencies have specific guidelines they must follow when contacting debtors at their workplace. For example, collection agencies may only contact debtors at their place of employment if they cannot reach the debtor by any other means. By knowing your rights and the collection agency’s obligations, you can navigate workplace communication more effectively.

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Understanding Your Rights: Collection Agency Calls in the Workplace

Debtors have rights in the workplace when it comes to collection agency calls. This includes the right to request that collection agencies communicate with them outside of working hours or through alternative means. However, it is crucial to note that collection agencies are generally prohibited from disclosing the nature of the call to an employer or colleague. Understanding these rights can help debtors maintain their professional reputation and focus on their job responsibilities.

5. The Impact of Collection Agency Calls on Your Credit Score

Credit Score Consequences: How Collection Agency Calls Affect Your Rating

Unresolved debts sent to collection agencies can have a significant impact on your credit score. Late payments, defaults, or judgments resulting from collection agency involvement can stay on your credit report for years, affecting your ability to secure loans, obtain credit cards, or even rent a home. It is essential to address these debts promptly and explore options for resolving them to mitigate the long-term impact on your creditworthiness.

As a Canadian dealing with collection agencies, understanding your rights, the reasons behind collection agency calls, and the potential impact on your credit score is crucial. By educating yourself and taking appropriate action, you can navigate this challenging situation and work towards a debt-free future.